This was the second album I did on my own, but the first to have me singing as the front man. You see, I wasn't a very confident singer, I'm still not, hence the reason why a lot of the vocals on this are buried quite deep in the mix. I decided I need to get over myself as the last band I was in folded. Life getting in the way as usual, but was determined to try at least. I don't go back to it much because you can hear the learning process throughout the album There's about 3 or 4 songs I sometimes go back to. 7 days was loosley based on what happened to Rob Collins (RIP) from The Charlatans when he gave a lift to friend he hadn't for years. I still play it live to this day, goes down a treat. Other tracks I still have time for are Stealth Bomber and Closing Comments (about a particulaly enjoyable party I had at my house).
1. Factory Opening
2. A life more ordinary
3. 7 days
4. People you know are stupid
5. Simple Fears
6. Education, that's what I need
7. A beginning, of sorts
8. Big noise, small guitar
9. Liberation
10. Stealth Bomber
11. Closing comments